Monthly Picks: Hazel Newton
Hazel Newton - Guest Curator April 2023

This month our guest curator is one of the artists we will be introducing during our 11th birthday exhibition in July, Hazel Newton, aka Stitchy Hazelnut.
Based in England, Hazel creates curious little creatures that beg you to fall in love with them. Each of her original works are hand stitched, sculpted and painted with natural elements such as shells and cat whiskers incorporated.
Each of Hazel’s pieces has a strong narrative quality leading you to believe she visits a different world where she is inspired by fanciful creatures to recreate and present to those unable to travel between the two realms.
As we do each month, we have asked Hazel to look through the Quirky Fox website and pick out two works she would like to add to her collection and share with us why these pieces resonate with her.
Lime’s Flight by Juliet Schrenkinger

I completely love every piece Juliet creates! She is a phenomally talented artist who is passionate about the oceans and seas and the amazing creatures which inhabit them, as is obvious in her beautiful work.
Lime’s Flight fills me with a sense of joy, as do so many of her drawings. It makes me want to know more about these two friends, their adventures, and their moonlit journeys through the skies.
Gone to Seed by Leigh Schneider

The first time I saw one of Leigh Schneider’s photographs it literally stopped me in my tracks.
So powerful, beautiful, thought provoking, mysterious, melancholic, every image is perfect.
This stunning piece, ‘Gone to Seed’, speaks to me on so many levels:
“Wildflowers don’t really die. They turn to seed, symbolising potential for new growth.
Her eyes captivate me every time.
Thank you Hazel for sharing your insights in these beautiful artworks with us. Look out for Hazel’s work in our birthday exhibition and for our next guest curator post in May.