Quirky Fox is a new contemporary and representative art gallery in Taranaki, New Zealand.

Artist submissions are welcome throughout the year and an open call is held each August.

If you are interested in becoming part of Quirky Fox please read the following information before reaching out.

Original art, photographs and sculptures at Quirky Fox


As a gallery we aim to showcase a selection of styles and mediums that fall into the representative or new contemporary bracket. This includes paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures and digital artists. Representative art refers to art which has clearly identifiable elements existing in the real world or fantasy.

Please take the time to look through our website and social media to get an idea of the style we support.

Quirky Fox DOES NOT represent abstract art or AI-generated art or artists and require our artists to sign a contract to confirm this.


We accept original works, limited edition prints, one-off sculptures and open edition prints.

We require prints to be printed to a professional standard with archival paper and ink.

Submissions from both New Zealand and international artists are encouraged. We require New Zealand artists to be exclusive to us within Taranaki (including New Plymouth) and international artists to be exclusive to us within New Zealand. This exclusivity is due to the size of New Zealand, the size of its art market, our niche with New Zealand and to be fair and consistent to our current artists.

Original art, photographs and sculptures at Quirky Fox


If you are interested in being represented by Quirky Fox please email us at with the subject line: ARTIST SUBMISSION - YOUR NAME.


Please include the following information:

  • a brief introduction to you and your work
  • whether you are interested in general representation, exhibitions or both
  • 3-5 images that represent your current style and level of skill
  • any relevant social media links
  • your website address, if you have one.


We will try to reply to all submissions within 21 working days. Please avoid emailing us the week of an exhibition opening or be aware our replies may be delayed.